Innovation research strategy

The need for work is visible everywhere. We constantly need the work of others! And, in fact, there is too much work to be done, but not enough jobs to meet it.

This is why Umalis has set itself the goal of recreating the link between work and employment. From our point of view unemployment is only a social and cultural construction.


Our French society is changing rapidly: the emergence of a new form of economy, collaborative, societal, entrepreneurship which is tinged with a vision of solidarity, the technological explosion which induces the arrival of new professions. These revolutions are transforming our vision of work:  we must think differently about the jobs and the labor market of tomorrow.

Our research is an outline of the challenges that digital worlds raise today for research and society. We are trying to answer the question for which no answer has yet been found, which is unemployment. We research the causes of it through the humanities and try to adapt the technology to our basic research.

To do this, the objective of the research and innovation work carried out by our researchers is to put people back at the center of Umalis’ concerns. Our R&D pole is located at the heart of the reflection on new forms of employment, its vocation is to produce and disseminate qualitative and quantitative knowledge on employment in France and abroad in order to serve the general interest and innovation and to mobilize concepts and tools to understand the cause of the appearance of new forms of employment, retrace their history, understand the issues, and offer original perspectives.

By being part of a corporate social responsibility approach, our R&D work has enabled our information system to be able to offer new tools adapted to the needs of consultants. ; by reducing the obstacles to autonomy, by offering advice, coaching and training, accessible online.

The Umalis R&D pole invites politicians, association managers, business leaders, professors, researchers, journalists to participate and reflect together on our main research themes around employment.